Fun for the brain. And pretty senseless. If you write code like this, throw it away, and write it again, more clearly. So that you or your co-worker will understand it easily later too. :)
If you are still guessing, take a look here :)
Sorry for last comment (typing problem)... What I was trying to write is that I usually never use the "++", except for just incrementation in a loop for example. I always have difficulties to understand how it will work if it's not over-simple...
Whats the value of c? Try again with a different compiler and optimization flags. Now what's the value of c? :) The C FAQ explains why this is bad, bad code!
char c[ ] = "foo";
0[ c ] = 'b';
c[ 1 ] = 'a';
2[ c ] = 'r';
c[ 1 ] = = 1[ c ] because *( c + 1 ) = = *( 1 + c)