As I just read
on (german link) (didn't find another source for this), now even the pope basically says FPS games are evil. He obviously is choosing his words with caution, but as you can read in his statements he sounds a bit like the local politicans who obviously not really know about what games they are talking about:
"Jeder Trend, Programme - einschließlich Filme und Videospiele - zu produzieren, die im Namen der Unterhaltung Gewalt verherrlichendes und asoziales Verhalten oder die Banalisierung menschlicher Sexualität darstellt, ist eine Perversion - umso abstoßender, wenn diese Programme für Kinder und Jugendliche gemacht werden" |
He says the church could be an 'inspiring example' for those media. Ok, how about a game about the crusades? No - wait - better: the inquisition? Just a thought.