Lightfeather homepage hacked

Posted on:April 16 2006

The lightfeather 3D engine homepage has been hacked (defaced) by a turkish hacker. The page says (if you are not using opera at least, then it is quite black)

"You keep abusing, Islam\'s almighty Prophet with disgusting and disgraceful cartoons using excuses of freedom of speech."
Quite stupid explanation for hacking a german open source 3d graphics website.
Now the funny part: Besides the fact that this 'hacker' doesn't know how to spell really a lot of stuff correctly, he also doesn't know how to create html webpages. Maybe I spotted the reason:

<meta name=ProgId content=FrontPage.Editor.Document>
<meta name=Generator content=\"Microsoft FrontPage 5.0\">
<meta name=Originator content=\"Microsoft Word 10\">
<link rel=Edit-Time-Data href=\"pratikler/indexler/index_dosyalar/editdata.mso\">
<title>HaCKeD By Turkhackerler </title>

*rotfl* Sorry for the lightfeather guys, btw.


reminds me of last year when the Snapple website got hacked
The Anaconda
2006-04-16 23:19:00

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