I have one question:
When you see a painting that looks really nice or interesting one would assume someone made that painting not that it just fell into place by itself, correct?
If you would assume that then why would you not assume that when you see a person with billions and billions of cells grouped together(Which consist of trillions and trillions of atoms grouped together) into a working unit far more complex that of a painting that something or someone made that person? Or are we to belive that we just happened to fall into place?
Saying that there is not Intelligent Design of our universe is just like saying "Oh well the mona lisa is just some paint that happened to spill and mix on a canvas in that pattern and was not made by a person"
TSM: this kind of reasoning is called the "teleological argument", and has been disproven already (although IDers don't accept this, just like they don't accept many concepts of science [like "theory", "proof" and "falsifiability"] and try to get their meanings of all this established).
In my opinion, this argument is just silly, as it shows nothing more than the limitied imagination of the person believing in it. And in the context of religion, this argument is pure decadance, because those who defend it also think that they are wise enough to recognize God's plans in these matters.
intelligent design is a concept of ignorance! postulating a higher mysterious intelligence controlling nature = accepting not asking any questions anymore. back to the dark ages! way to go! the mona lisa comparison is laughable...
I discovered that site a couple weeks ago and since then I am a pastafarian :p.
TSM: There is nothing "intelligent" in our creation and life at all. I suggest you read the book "Selfish Gene" by Richard Dawkins and it will make you think about it. Life is just an ongoing process started by a chemical structure we call genes. What created the universe is another question (and there are certain facts that suggest it was the Flying Spaghetti Monster).
whether there was an intelligent force behind the creation of life or not, calling other people's beliefs "stupid" is not very nice.
plus: the flying spaghetti monster is made of spaghetti, but people invented spaghetti, but the FSM supposedly created people!! Paradox, therefore, not true
Not a paradox at all! People made spaghetti after the FSM because its looks inspired them to make spaghetti. There would be no spaghetti if there would be no Spaghetti Monster.
God bless. Or is it, Flying Spaghetti Monster bless.