Ambiera internal HTML editor now available for public

Posted on:July 08 2010

As most other software developers I know, for my company Ambiera, I am also implementing Websites for other companies from time to time. It's simple work and is a variety to C++ programming. During the last years, I created a small tool to help me doing this, since I'm not a good graphic artist. With that tool I only had to click and drag buttons and gradients, and the tool generated the whole html code, css styles and images needed for this for me, instantly.

A customer recently saw me using this tool, liked it and asked if he could buy it. I said "no, sorry it's just an internal tool". But since this was a good idea, and maybe there are other people in the need of such a software, I've now cleaned it up a bit, named it WebsitePainter and made it public:

It's not a 'real' HTML editor but more a HTML generator, and is is possible to create full websites with it, including floating texts, images, gradients, web 2.0 style shapes and areas, flash, java, forms, and more. It is available for Windows and Mac OS X. It also fully supports Unicode (once I used it to create a Korean website for it) and should be quite easy to use.

If you like to try it, you can download it here.
Any feedback is welcome.


Ok Junge, gibt es eigentlich irgendwas das du nicht kannst?
2010-07-08 12:59:00

hehe :)
2010-07-08 16:26:00

Just out of interest: What makes the Web 2.0 shape a Web 2.0 shape? *g*

But it does look rather nice. Just played around with it a little and although I don't really like WYSIWYG editors, this one at least gave me the internals close enough to my fingertips to get out of my way. Good job!
2010-07-08 17:16:00

thx :)
about the web 2.0 shape: that's just a name, most newer websites are simply using this gradient style. it's shorter than 'faked shiny reflection gradient shape' :)
2010-07-08 22:40:00

Hmm .. seem I have to test it. I normally create all my homepages (and sometimes for others as well) using Notepad++. But maybe I can (at least) learn something new from the code that is produced ;)
2010-07-09 07:08:00

Nice work. The generated markup sucks but it's not worse than any other WYSIWYG editors out there do.

Here's a bug: The program doesn't ask if you want to overwrite an existing file. I had some existing index.html on my desktop (not made with WP) and it was overwritten when using Publish to local disk
2010-07-18 10:54:00

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Possible Codes

Feature Code
Link [url] [/url]
Bold [b]bold text[/b]
Quote [quote]quoted text[/quote]
Code [code]source code[/code]
