Just to be up to date, I wanted to try out
Adobe Flash CS4 today, to see how the IDE works and looks like in this 'new' version, and if I find it useful, maybe think about buying it. (BTW: Adobe says on its front page Flash costs US$699, but if you buy it from Austria, it's 838€. WTF. That's $1075. But I guess we here in Europe are used to be treated like that...)
So I
- Clicked the download link
- Had to download and install an ActiveX control - a download application - which of course didn't work in Opera. Strange, suspicious and unnecessary, in my opinion. Anyway, I switched to IE, downloaded and intalled it.
- Downloaded the about 1 GB big installer file with the ActiveX control. Woha. 1 GB!
- Started the installer: There are about 12 colorful icons representing different applications to select. I have no idea what they do and there is no description. I only want Flash, so I select the flash icon. At least now I know why the download package was that big.
- Started Flash. Great user interface. Colorful and transparent. If I hadn't used a previous version of Flash before, I would have no idea where to click what.
- Typed a few lines in Actionscript 3, clicked 'Test Movie'. Movie starts, Flash player crashed. Flash IDE crashed as well.
Ok, nice. I think I like Flex better.