Since nearly today, Austria has a new Government and Prime Minister. And surprise, surprise, after the elections and the negotiations are over, not much is left over from their pre-election promises. Best example: The main party who got most of the votes promised to abandon the tuition fees, and a lot of students voted for them because of that. And now, after they gained the power partially because of this, they are saying that if you don't want to pay tuition fees, you will have to do social services for 60 hours each semester. WTF!??
I've never heard of something stupid like that. What do they think we are? Idiots? Ok, they are right. We are idiots, we, the common vulgar stupid people voted for them.
I know some students who have a hard time paying their tuition fees although they are not that expensive today, working their ass off to get enough for living, books and the fees and have time to study at the same time. Those would have profited if the fees whould have been abandoned as they promised, and they really cannot afford working additional 60 hours twice a year for this. Totally absurd. Although they didn't even start governing the country it looks like they are already going to break several other pre-election promises. This is another perfect example on how politicans don't care about anything unless they can gain more power.
I'm quite angry now.