Last week, I
wrote down a short blog post about my view of the current changes in the world, and instantly a very interesting and long discussion started in the comments section. Some people were wondering about what I was talking exactly, and I faced the fact that some people just didn't know because they are only following the main media. So I thought about reposting a very short exerpt of the interesting news found daily at, so also non german speaking people can read some of it. If you don't want to know about it, don't read it, but I think I'm doing this now every week. I asked fefe if I would be allowed to do this, and he is ok with it, so lets go. This is some random stuff which happened during the last 7 days:
These were some very few randomized items, but I thought nobody would read this if the list is longer than that.
Update: No, this is not the new thing which I am going to release at the end of the week. That's going to be some software. :)