Tomorrow the movie
The Road to Guantanamo will start to be shown here in Austria. And I don't really know if I should watch it. The problem: I already was shocked by the movie preview of this one shown before the
Da Vinci Code which I watched last week. And this might not be a good combination together with my already really bad opinion about the U.S. politics (you know, not because they are ignoring human rights, torturing and kidnapping people, doing massacres in Irak like in Vietnam before but also because they are openly destroying our environment, invading countries with officially forged arguments etc.) I know that movie isn't objective, but hey - all that war propaganda and the rubbish we get to see on CNN and told by the politicans isn't either. So maybe I should give it a try.
I am also wondering if people in the U.S. are watching that movie. And if so, what will they do? Nothing as usual?
Two shocking related news: In Britain,
they arrested and questioned the actors of that movie under the pretext of anti terror laws some months ago. Second: Currently, 75 prisioners
in Guantanamo are staging a hunger strike and the commander of that detainment camp
is telling that this is a known technique of Al-Kaida. Huh? Speechless.
hunger strikes are a pretty common nonviolent resistance technique, among both prisoners of war and other resistance groups. ghandi of course was famous for this. at least they aren't attacking the guards again. Either way, if they are really prisoners of war they should be afforded the benefits of the geneva convention since iraq actually has a recognized government now. I don't think they belong in guantanamo anymore. they should be in iraqi prisons and tried in iraqi courts or extradited to wherever they came from for trials.
Britain has laws against inciting terrorism or violence, and some sorts of public speech which would have that motive are illegal. slippery slope that, i think freedom of speech is pretty important, i would rather it just be illegal to CARRY OUT acts of terrorism. perhaps if the speaker makes a clear and specific threat, maybe thats justifiable.
either way, as an american I feel a lot that since we are the focus of all this attention for some reason we get a pretty bad rap for the mistakes and dumb things we do, more than we might if we were some other country. this kind of crap happens all the time, where is all the disgust at russia for what they have done and are doing to chechnya? where is the pressure on china to give their people some democracy, or to free tibet? where is the outrage at iran for their clear threats against israel??
instead, everybody seems to be so focused, so paranoid about what the US will do next, so caught up in telling us to stay the hell out of their business.
i dunno, maybe that just all i hear because i'm not IN china or Iran, or russia.
I still feel like we really get the short end of the publicity stick tho...