| Checking in os.h;/cvsroot/irrlicht/Irrlicht/Irrlicht/os.h,v <-- os.hnew revision: 1.2; previous revision: 1.1donecvs [commit aborted]: received broken pipe signal
I don't know if I now should not like my WLAN card, my WLAN hotspot, my provider, sourceforge, or CVS. But I think a change to SVN soon would be nice anyway.
SVN is just so much nicer .. with the AnkhSVN Plugin in VS05 everthing is really easy to handle.
Since a week or so, every time I want to update irrlicht or ogre over cvs it just won't let me and requests a pw! Smaller projects (like tinyxml) are working ... So how's the bad guy, cvs or
With SVN I never ever had problems...