Changed the name of the game

Posted on:November 09 2018

Some friendly people let me know that the planned name for my next game, which was "Business Builder" probably wasn't a very good choice: There is a mobile game which has a similar name, although not the same one. That's also why I overlooked this. Still, unfortunate. I could go on using "Business Builder", since it is not the same, but to avoid confusion and because the game is still in development, a change of name is a good idea.

So I changed the name, and "Business Builder" will now be named "Business Magnate".

Website and logos are already converted, and I think although that new name is a bit more complicated, it better tells you what the game will be exactly about.


I like the new name better. Looking forward for the next dev blog!
2018-11-14 07:04:00

Take a look at the upper right corner of your block title image ;-)
Btw. Thanks for giving so much updates and interesting posts.
2018-11-15 09:27:00

Ahhh, forgot that, thanks.
2018-11-16 10:22:00

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