XCode and me

Posted on:November 04 2015

I hope someone will reserve a very special place in hell for the designers of XCode. About once a year, you are focrced to update to the next XCode version, although the current one just works perfectly. And after upgrading, something usually stops working. This time, the buttons in XCode for verifying and uploading the project were simply disabled / grayed out. No hint, no message, no error. Just a grayed out button. No mention in the documentation. I now wasted hours of work just to find out the reason for this. Fortunately, we have google and stackoverflow today. Otherwise, I would probably still need a few more days to find the problem. Thanks, Apple.


All hail Crapple!
2015-11-05 07:58:00

Shiny on the outside and full of crap once you scratch the surface...
2015-11-05 08:31:00

My problem before is I was following a tutorial in one of university webinar, unfortunately, the seminar was 6mos old. So my xcode was different from theirs, and a lot of things are so different. I cant follow the tutorial anymore
2015-11-06 12:57:00

Do we have a tutorial for how to work irrlicht on Xcode 7, latest. For my game development club people asking how can they work from Mac. I am not even sure what to say. Any help, ideas, thought?
2015-11-09 22:34:00

Do we have a tutorial for how to work irrlicht on Xcode 7, latest. For my game development club people asking how can they work from Mac. I am not even sure what to say. Any help, ideas, thought?

Tell them to use Boot Camp (yes, then they work from a Mac, though not under OS X).
Johne Doe
2015-11-16 12:18:00

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