
Posted on:January 23 2012

As I previously mentioned on this blog, I play a match of Starcraft 2 from time to time, but I basically sucked at it. And although I'm not sure if anyone is actually interested in this topic, but here is a small update :) Basically, I've now become a bit better. I'm Gold now in 1v1 and Platin in 3v3 (random):

Yay. I think if you are a slow player like me, with a quite low APM (=Actions per minute) value, you simply need a bit more of practice and experience to be able to crush gold and even platin players. When I play 1v1, I now usually know what the other player will be doing at a specific time, without much scouting. I think this is the key for playing successfully as Zerg. I think Zerg is a more defensive race, so you basically can only be good if you know what the next options for your enemy are, in order to react accordingly, and smash him afterwards. I'm not sure if this is also true for the other races since I didn't try them extensively, but it obviously helps for playing as Zerg. :)
Also, for 3v3 and 4v4 random team games, the key seems to be communication. If you start a game, type "hi!", and none of the other players in your team ever answers, you can be sure you will lose that game. Bad communication and no strategy or timing plan and you'll lose as team, simply as that.

So I'm now quite happy that I'm obviously not too bad or too old for this game as I assumed previously and that it was possible for me to have some more success when I find some time to play a match :)


Worked out for you, cool. I'm still bronze... :-/
2012-01-24 08:31:00

I think this is the key for playing successfully as Zerg. I think Zerg is a more defensive race, so you basically can only be good if you know what the next options for your enemy are, in order to react accordingly, and smash him afterwards.[url=]swtor credits[/url]
swtor credits
2012-02-09 08:29:00

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