To tweet or not to tweet

Posted on:October 04 2010

Since I'm using Twitter now, I'm not always entirely sure what to blog and what to tweet. I don't want to write everything twice, so usually very short things which are just a few sentences now usually are tweeted, and the blog gets less postings, too bad. An option would be to embed the last few tweets into the side of this blog, but I'm not sure about this. But maybe it's better now anyway: The blog will only contain high quality articles from now on ;)
Any opinions about this?


Tweet what you consider is "fastfood" information, feelings, etc. Things you don't need to archive or make serious reference in a future. But if you think is valuable and lasting information or needed more than 140 chars a post is the preferable suit. That's work for me. Regards.
2010-10-04 17:49:00

A friend twitters the headline and link of every new blog entry, he told me since then he notices a drastic increase of pageviews everytime he posts an entry.
I think it's a good idea to combine both. Show the tweets on the blog and tweet about new blog entrys. So the followers on twitter can read the article if they are interested and the blog readers don't miss the tweets. On the other hand, this requires a little more care to give the blog entrys meaningful headlines ;)
2010-10-04 19:39:00

Tweets are good for gathering more attention for your work/blog. However tweets should not be a means of recording information, unlike a blog. It's just for getting the word out, in the short term, and really fast too!
2010-10-05 01:25:00

i prefer everything is here. is there a way to embed the tweets on the right side bar?
2010-10-05 01:54:00

Pivot has a nice plugin for that. Just embed the tweets ;)
2010-10-05 14:14:00

I had the same considerations and decided to blog larger and persistent chunks of information while short and volatile messages are dropped on Twitter/Facebook. Showing tweets on the blog sounds good, have to try it.
2010-10-05 17:21:00

ok, thanks for all the feedback. I think I'm going to embed this here in the near future.
2010-10-05 17:50:00

I joined twitter, to follow you actually, and I am amazed at the amount of latest information I can get from the exact person I want. This is very good, finally I see the reason of twitter's success in 5 seconds. All the useful info delivered right to home page, just as people think and tweet. Totally useful and awesome.
2010-10-08 07:43:00

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