Microsoft, can you improve the Ribbon in your products, please? It looks nice but slows you down editing documents. And with 'improve' I think I really mean 'remove'.
I'll have to disagree with you. I found it so much better to work with than the way things were before that I switched to Office 2007 from OOo after using it in my workplace.
I've found the ribbon to be intuitive and much faster to use... functionality is still organized and grouped the same way as in previous versions of Office, so I still know where to find things. I don't really understand what people don't like about it.
The Ribbon interface does take some time getting used to. I think most casual users find the interface disorientating at first, but end up discovering a lot more features of Office since now everything has it's own over-sized icon.
For power users, I've had that bit of moment where, I think I'm doing a lot of tab switching and clicking to to do what I want, etc. It takes a while to remember the keyboard shortcuts to make things faster.
The Ribbon is the single most important advantage of Office 2007 over 2003. It makes so many tasks so much easier in everyday work... And powerusers just press [Alt] and remember all the keyboard shortcuts :)