I'm blogging for one year now

Posted on:April 13 2005

After Martin wrote that his blog is now one year old, I realized that my blog must be older than one year too. [He started his after mine, this copy-cat. ;)]. So it's time for a short resume, summary and some conclusions:
  • Blogging is quite fun. I think I'll continue to do this. My blog serves well as place to calm down and to rant about anything. But it also is good for spreading positive ideas.
  • I posted about one article a day. Altough I am not a good writer at all, it wasn't difficult to do this.
  • It didn't improve my sucking english skills a lot as I hoped it would. But after this year I feel it is a lot easier for me to write lots of senseless stuff.
  • I improved my PHP, HTML, SQL and CSS skills a lot during modding the blog software, trying to write replacements, and fighting against spammers.
  • I wrote a mixture of personal and technical/progamming stuff. I wrote about some of my journies, ex-girlfriends, new girlfriends, my appartement, university, thoughts about C++, 3D engine design, etc. I think the mixture was ok, not too personal and not too technical.
  • I did not write about my work. And I'm not going to change this, although it could be interesting as well.
  • And, it looks like I've got some readers, which is very cool. Thanks for reading this, and for doing comments on my stupid thoughts here and then, although I don't post an answer every time. ;)
BTW: Now I should be learning for an exam tomorrow. Need.. to.. stop.. blogging. Must... learn.


I'm one of readers who read your thoughts about one year...:)
2005-04-14 09:29:00

I'm too :)
2005-04-14 13:34:00

What a pity that your blog didn't improve your sucking skills ;-)

Otherwise, gratz for your blog and many thanks that you influenced me, the "copy-cat", to have one, too!
2005-04-14 14:17:00

The other bad thing is losing the history of the old blog. I still kick myself for not making better backups of my own.
2005-04-14 14:30:00

I've got backups and I've still access to the old server, but I'm too lazy to move them to the new blog :)
2005-04-15 12:56:00

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